ComicsPRO has revealed attendance and the new board of directors from the ComicsPRO Annual Meeting, held in Glendale, California last month (see "Glendale").  The Annual Meeting was a record for the comic retailer organization, with 163 retailers attending in person and 53 online; and 185 vendor personnel representing over 65 companies.

Retailer spirits were generally high, although there was a lot of concern among publishers about the Diamond Comic Distributors Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing (see "Three Shows in 11 Days").

Elections were held, and the new ComicsPRO board of directors and officers are:

  • Joe Murray of Captain Blue Hen Comics - President of the Board
  • Shannon Live of Bat City Comic Professionals - Vice-President of the Board
  • Moryha Banks of Samurai Comics - Treasurer
  • Kate deNeveu of Hello Comics - Recording Secretary
  • Marc Bowker of Alter Ego Comics
  • Katie Pryde of Books With Pictures
  • Eitan Manhoff of Cape and Cowl Comics

We took a few photos, which we shared below.

Click Gallery below for ComicsPRO Annual Meeting photos!