'Comics Aren't for Kids Anymore'
November 15, 2009
Buddy Saunders of Lone Star Comics in Arlington, Texas has been following the recent Steve Bennett column and resulting response regarding comic book content and had this to say.
On Ferguson
November 13, 2009
If the appearance Thursday night by country music star Trace Adkins was any indication, the press for Luke McBain could have a substantial impact on sales.
'Hit the Nail Right on the Head'
November 12, 2009
Mark Dudley, Illustrator and Sequential Artist, read Steve Bennett's latest Confessions column about fearing change and had this to say.
Of 'Stuck in the Middle'
November 12, 2009
This is the response of editor Ariel Schrag to the actions of the review committee of the Sioux Falls, South Dakota middle school libraries in removing Stuck in the Middle: Seventeen Comics from an Unpleasant Age from the student collections of the library.
In Sioux Falls
November 12, 2009
A review committee removed Stuck in the Middle from the student libraries of two Sioux Falls , South Dakota middle schools.
ICv2 Stars: 4 (out of 5)
November 12, 2009
Here is a review of The Cartoonist: Jeff Smith, Bone and the Changing Face of Comics DVD.
On the 'The Family Circus' Collection
November 12, 2009
We talked to Jeff Keane about The Family Circus , the new IDW collection, and his thoughts on newspaper comics.
Column by Steve Bennett
November 10, 2009
This week, Steve Bennett looks at the nature of change, and the feelings it engenders.
Double Digit Decline
November 10, 2009
October comic sales in the direct market declined 14% vs. the year ago period, the biggest decline since May.
Marvel Slips
November 10, 2009
DC’s Blackest Night was even more dominant in October than in previous months, taking five of the top six slots.