Results 13210-13220 of 17124
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Why Not One Day Earlier?
September 4, 2008
Noah Broessel of Pop Culture Paradise in Tempe , Arizona has been having delivery problems and wonders why new comics and graphic novels can't be delivered one day before the on-sale dates.
Column by Steve Bennett
September 4, 2008
This week, Steve Bennett talks about the shocking demise of b-list characters in Teen Titans #62.
'Watchmen' Continues to Dominate
September 4, 2008
Traditional American-published graphic novels continued to dominate graphic novel sales in bookstores.
'Savage Dragon' Gets Political
September 3, 2008
Erik Larsen’s Savage Dragon has received attention from The New York Times and The Huffington Post.
To Explain New Browser
September 2, 2008
Google has chosen Scott McCloud ( Understanding Comics ) to explain the Internet giant’s new browser.
With David B.
September 2, 2008
An ICv2 Release. ICv2 launched a regular online previews feature today, with an exclusive eleven page preview of David B.’s Nocturnal Conspiracies.
Tabletop Meets Videogames
September 2, 2008
Mongoose Publishing announced that the company would become a “sister company” to Rebellion.
Market Conditions; 2008 So Far
September 2, 2008
In Part One, we talk about the state of the graphic novel market given current economic conditions and the response to First Second's releases from spring '08.
'Prince of Persia' and Spring 2009
September 2, 2008
In Part Two, we talk about First Second’s bestselling books of all time, and the top prospects for Fall 2008 and for Spring 2009.
More 2009 Plans, Education & Library Markets
September 2, 2008
In Part Three, we continue discussing First Second's 2009 publishing plans (including its first manhwa title), plus the company's efforts to target the education and library markets.
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