A Record 23 Publishers Get Nominations
April 26, 2004
Nominations for the Seventeenth Annual Harvey Awards, named for famed comics creator Harvey Kurtzman, include books published by a record 23 different publishers.
Want Any Punisher?
April 25, 2004
Matt Lehman of Comicopia in Boston, Massachusetts saw the article on Dark Horse's difficulties in keeping the Hellboy books in stock and Alan Elliott's criticisms of Dark Horse and Diamond for not having more, and had this response.
'You Can't Fault Dark Horse and Diamond'
April 25, 2004
Jim and Crystal Brown of Midwest Comics & Games in Quincy, Illinois saw the news on Dark Horse's efforts to keep Hellboy books in stock and Alan Elliotts comments on the topic and had this response.
Where Is Everyone Else
April 25, 2004
Ilan Strasser of Fat Moose Comics and Games in Whippany, New Jersey saw our article on Tokyopop's upcoming TV advertising and wonders why it's the first publisher to do so.
Comics & Comix Closed
April 25, 2004
C om ic retailer Ross Rojek has been indicted on eight counts of mail fraud, two counts of wire fraud, and three counts of money laundering.
Including Jam Book
April 25, 2004
Top Shelf has announced its July releases, which include four releases by two of its top creators -- Craig Th om pson and James Kochalka.
Over March 2003
April 22, 2004
Diamond's sales of comics were up a solid 15% in March 2004 over March 2003, reflecting both increases in circulation and in average cover price.
Expects To Catch Up in May
April 22, 2004
Unexpectedly high demand for Hellboy products coupled with a trans-Pacific supply chain has produced routine out-of-stocks on the Dark Horse trade paperbacks at the publisher level for the past several weeks.
Beginning in May
April 22, 2004
In a dramatic step toward building a mass market, Tokyopop will be advertising its manga titles on television.
By New Line
April 21, 2004
Hawaiian Dick is being developed as a movie by New Line Cinema.