Sales Estimates for March Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
April 21, 2004
These are estimates of the sales by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during March 2004.
Changes Name and Mode of Distribution
April 19, 2004
Future Comics has changed its name, the format of its comic publications and its mode of distribution.
Squarebound Format With $5.99 Cover Price
April 19, 2004
The nation's longest-running magazine about comic books is undergoing major changes in format and frequency.
Tie in to Summer Blockbusters
April 15, 2004
Del Rey's movie books offer retailers another way to tie in to the upcoming summer blockbusters. The Catwoman novel will be on sale the first week of June.
Also Releases Even Bigger Love & Rockets Collection
April 15, 2004
This August, Fantagraphics will release Comics Journal #262 in its new format, featuring more pages, more color, better paper stock and a new design.
How Fast Is Too Fast?
April 14, 2004
Gabrial Habman of DreamStrands Comics sent us this comment on the speed at which Marvel is releasing collected editions of periodical content, in at least one case before all of the periodicals are even released.
Volume Discounting Has Its Merits
April 14, 2004
Ilan Strasser of Fat Moose Comics and Games in Whippany, New Jersey saw the comments from Dave Brzeski of The House on the Borderland on volume pricing and retailer incentives, and had this to say.
Ross Rojek Arrested
April 13, 2004
Ross Rojek, head of the Comics & Comix chain and CEO of Another, has been arrested by the FBI on wire and mail fraud charges. The charges stem from Rojek's operation of Face Information Technology, known as Face IT.
56-Page One-Shot Out in August
April 13, 2004
Image Comics has announced that it will publish Michael Avon Oeming's Six , a 56-page black-and-white one-shot, co-written by Dan Berman and drawn by Ethen Beavers.
Cerebus, Swamp Thing, Tantrum & More
April 12, 2004
The April 16 issue of Entertainment Weekly provides quite a bit of comic book coverage.