For comics, posters, calendars, lithos, and scrolls
December 12, 2001
Dreamwave has reached an agreement with Hasbro to produce a wide range of Transformers -related products including comics, posters, calendars, lithographs, and scrolls.
#1 Graphic Novel in Pre-orders
December 11, 2001
Alternative Comics has announced that 9-11 Emergency Relief , its benefit book for the American Red Cross, is the #1 graphic novel on Diamond Comic Distributors' bestseller list for January.
She Likes It
December 10, 2001
We got a quick response to Ilan Strasser's comments on Marvel's book pricing yesterday. Tricia Hovorka, President of, feels that Marvel's pricing represents a reasonable strategy and good value.
He Doesn't Like It
December 9, 2001
Ilan Strasser of Fat Moose Comics Comics and Games in Whippany, New Jersey, took issue with the way Marvel is pricing its upcoming hardcover books.
Response to B&N Fight for Better Discounts
December 9, 2001
We heard from Rick Edwards of Socko! In Stow, Ohio, in response to our story on Barnes and Noble lobbying publishers for the same deals that book publishers are giving to new, non-core outlets.
Biggest Comic Charity Event Ever
December 5, 2001
Marvel has announced that it is going back to press on Heroes , its 9/11 tribute/benefit book, for 'a third and final printing.'
Manga, Anime, and Soundtracks
December 4, 2001
Tokyopop plans to launch more than 450 new products in 2002 and the company has licensed eight important new properties.
Will Write an 8-Shot Avengers Series for Marvel
December 4, 2001
Marvel Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada has managed to accomplish what many thought was impossible -- bring former Marvel Editor-In-Chief Jim ( Secret Wars ) Shooter back as the author of a an eight-issue Avengers series which will feature the return of the Shooter-invented arch nemesis Korvac.
500,000 TPB Buyers Key to Mass Success
December 1, 2001
DC EVP Paul Levitz said that no 'newsstand' distribution of DKSA is planned, meaning that distributors like Hudson and Anderson News will not be distributing the book.
He Doesn't Like Them
December 1, 2001
This comment is in response to our recent articles on timely comic shipping. John Strangeland of Atlas Comics in Norridge, Illinois doesn't like late books, and he doesn't want to put up with them any more!