Viewing Patterns Changing Fast
June 9, 2009
In April over 397 million videos were viewed on Hulu, an increase of 4.5% from March.
In 'The New Yorker'
June 2, 2009
The New Yorker magazine includes a 12-page excerpt from The Book of Genesis Illustrated by R.Crumb.
'Rachel Maddow's being hip to it'
June 1, 2009
Jim Crocker of Modern Myths, LLC in Northampton, MA writes in to comment on the recent article regarding Archie's upcoming proposal.
'Simulcast' on Hold
May 30, 2009
Funimation has announced that their servers were hacked, and the hacker posted episode #403 online.
Yaoi Press' Yamila Abraham Explains
May 28, 2009
On-demand printer Docucopies has refused to print copies of The Yaoi Coloring Book.
From Cleavinger
May 12, 2009
Yamato USA is now soliciting orders for the The Sacrifice , based on art by Dorian Cleavenger.
Column by Steve Bennett
May 5, 2009
This week, Steve Bennett talks about the best Free Comic Book Day ever.
Column by Steve Bennett
April 28, 2009
This week, Steve Bennet explores the limits of being a know it all.
'I Do Not Have Blinders On'
April 22, 2009
Jane Witt of The Keep in Fort Wayne, Indiana read Fred Hicks’ recent comments regarding RPG PDFs and sent in this response.
From Titan Books
April 21, 2009
Preview of the upcoming The Best of Simon and Kirby from Titan Books.