Summer 2016
January 2, 2017
The new hot things in comics might be buried just one thin layer deep.
Summer 2016
January 2, 2017
Some of the fastest comic sellers are fueled by TV and movies. It can start small… and get big.
Can Con-Goers Be Converted to Regulars?
December 31, 2016
And many of those tens of thousands are “civilians,” the mom-dad-and-the-kids who saw an Avengers movie and now want to learn something more.
Is a Community
December 31, 2016
A cardboard box may be efficient, but it doesn’t score very high on the warm-and-fuzzy meter. That’s why stores are going deeper into events, and ultimately, building community.
Column by Rob Salkowitz
December 31, 2016
One major thing that I expected has not happened at all.
ICv2 Stars: 4 (Out of 5)
December 31, 2016
Fluxx games are a matter of controlled chaos, and this instance of the series is a very good one.
Comics and Creators on the Way Up
December 31, 2016
It’s Brian K. Vaughan’s world. Everyone else is just living in it.
The Good News: Your Impulse Rack Now Goes Up to $20
December 31, 2016
“People are looking for a way to express themselves on their car, in their homes, or at their desk at work.”
Big Impacts, Now or in the Future
December 30, 2016
As we pass into 2017, we look back on the Top Five major events in the hobby games business.
Big Impacts, Now or in the Future
December 30, 2016
As we pass into 2017, we look back on the Top Five major events in the comics business in 2016.