On Saturday May 1
April 27, 2004
MegaMan NT Warrior is heading back to a prime spot on the Kids' WB Saturday morning lineup.
Barbie Down--Batman, JLA Up
April 20, 2004
Mattel, the world's largest toymaker, released its first quarter earnings report, which saw profits drop from $32.8 million in Q1 2003 to $9 million this year.
'Exile' Out in June
April 19, 2004
Score Entertainment has changed the format of its Yu Yu Hakusho CCG expansion Exile by eliminating the previously announced starter decks in favor of a 'boosters only' release.
By Inquest Gamer Magazine
March 25, 2004
Score Entertainment's Yu Yu Hakusho Trading Card Game was voted Best Trading Card Game of 2003 by Inquest Gamer Magazine .
Continuing Strong Support
March 22, 2004
Score is planning four more releases for its Yu Yu Hakusho CCG this year.
Except RPGs
March 21, 2004
The new ICv2 Retailers Guide to Games #4 reports that the 2003 game market grew in three of four categories over the previous year, with CCGs, miniature games, and board and family games all up, and RPGs down.
'Core Hobby Product' Out in October
March 16, 2004
Score has announced the October release of a collectible card game based on Rumiko Takahashi's popular anime and manga series, Inu-Yasha .
Kicks Off in April
March 14, 2004
Wizards of the Coast is gearing up for a 15-city shopping mall tour to introduce fans to the new Duel Masters Collectible Card Game -- the CCG that vanquished Yu-Gi-Oh! in Japan.
Plus New Rare CCG Introduced at Screenings
March 11, 2004
The Burger King Corporation will launch a major promotion for Yu-Gi-Oh: The Movie , which opens in theaters across North America on August 13.
Contest Brings Additional Exposure to the Brand
March 8, 2004
Hardee's and Carl's Jr. will offer Yu Yu Hakusho figures nationwide in their Cool Kids Meals from now until April 20th.