Though stock on the two delayed WizKids products has arrived at other distribution points around the country, and in some cases has even shipped to stores, delays in supplying the west and southwest warehouses from the port has caused the national release dates to be adjusted.
Marvel Dice Masters: The Uncanny X-Men, which was scheduled to release today (October 22) has been delayed till October 29th. Stores who have already received this product are required to hold it until the new release date. Dice Masters has been plagued by supply chain problems since launch, and WizKids has been playing catch-up with demand (see "'Marvel Dice Masters' OP and Restock").
D&D: Attack Wing’s (see "Details and Pics for First 'Attack Wing D&D'") adjusted release date is also October 29th, but Diamond customers may only receive the Starter, Wave One: Green Dragon Expansion Pack and Wave One: Hobgoblin Troop Expansion Pack; with other Wave One expansions following a week later. North and South American release dates outside the U.S. will also be delayed, with release planned for November 5th. The first monthly Storyline OP Kit (see "'D&D: Attack Wing' Storyline Organized Play"), will also be delayed a week, now planned for release on November 12th.