White Wolf is planning an aggressive launch schedule for GenCon and the fall months, with products from a variety of categories and imprints hitting the market and its big 15th Anniversary Celebration kicking off.
White Wolf is retooling its flagship CCG and will have at least a limited release of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle 3rd Edition at GenCon. It will ship in four different 89-card starter decks, each at a $9.99 MSRP; and $2.99, 11-card booster packs. Street date is currently slated to be August 21st.
White Wolf is also releasing its fourth World of Darkness game at GenCon, Promethean: The Created. It will be a totally new game, and not a re-tooling of a previous World of Darkness line. Promethean will center around created monsters, such as Frankenstein-esque monsters and golems. The package will be a deluxe, 288-page, $34.99 hardcover. The first supplement for Promethean will ship in October or November.
Two major Sword and Sorcery products will also be released at GenCon. Necromancer's Rappan Athuk Reloaded, a three book boxed set with a $74.99 price point, will be released at the show. Although perhaps not the world's largest dungeon, Necromancer is promising the 'world's deadliest dungeon,' and the new product will include not only the entire original Rappan Athuk series, but also many new levels and a massive wilderness expansion, updated for the revised rules, with lots of new material.
Also from Sword and Sorcery, Monte Cook's Ptolus (see 'Ptolus, the Most Deluxe Campaign Setting Ever') will be released there, and weigh down the luggage of departing fans as they leave the show.
On Saturday at GenCon, White Wolf will kick off its 15th birthday celebration, which will culminate with a Month of Darkness in October. Nostalgia themes will be used in marketing during this period. A fan convention will be held in
In September, Arthaus (see 'Arthaus Acquires Pendragon') will release the Great Pendragon Campaign, a comprehensive campaign book which will cover an 80 year period from the rule of Uther to the death of Arthur. Original designer Greg Stafford will be the driving force behind this project. The 400-page book will retail for $49.99.
And in October, White Wolf will follow up the release of its first board game, Prince of the City, with its second, Dark Influences.