Westbow Press, the Christian Fiction Division of Thomas Nelson Incorporated, has inked a deal with Buzz Dixon and Marlon Schulman's Realbuzz Studios to publish no fewer than 26 volumes of Christian-themed OEL (Original English Language) manga. Westbow will publish 10 volumes of Realbuzz-created manga in 2007 including all six volumes of Serenity (originally published by Barbour, see 'Serenity Sales Soar') in April, followed by four volumes of a new series, Goofyfoot Girl, in September.
Both series target the female teenage demographic that has made manga so successful in American bookstores. Serenity is a proven title with sales that its publishers say surpass 'two-thirds of the titles on the mainstream manga and graphic novel on best-seller lists.' Westbow plans on releasing four new volumes of Serenity in 2008.