Tripwire, Britain's top comic book magazine of the 1990s, returns in August in a new annual format chock-a-block with interviews of top comics creators including Alan Moore (on LOEG), Frank Miller (on Sin City 2), Mike Carey (on X-Men), plus Jeph Leob, Tim Sale and Bryan Fuller on NBC's Heroes and Guillermo del Torro, Duncan Fegredo, and Mike Mignola on Hellboy 2.
The new 128-page full color Tripwire Annual ($14.95), which will now be published in a standard American comic/trade paperback format, sports a Duncan Fegredo painted Hellboy cover, also includes a major article on The Simpsons, a celebration of Judge Dredd's 30th Anniversary and a feature on John Constantine/Hellblazer's 20th birthday.