An ICv2 Release. ICv2 has announced the release of the ICv2 Guide #45: Anime/Manga, which is being released to the trade by Alliance Game Distributors, Diamond Comic Distributors, GTS Distribution, ACD, Lion Rampant, and others.
At 68 pages, the new Anime/Manga Guide is the largest ever published by ICv2 and it reflects the unprecedented number of new manga series launching during the months of September, October and November covered in the new Guide. For the first time in this Guide ICv2 has broken out the 87 new manga series by month in order to make the Guide easier to use for retailers and librarians. Wherever possible the new ICv2 Guide provides vital ordering information (often omitted by publishers) about country of origin, gender genre (shojo or shonen) as well as narrative or thematic genre information relating the new series to previously issued properties. Of course ICv2 has also singled out a handful of key titles each month with its 'Pick Hits to Click' designation and the Guide also contains numerous reviews including several series that haven't been published yet.
The new Anime/Manga Guide also includes second quarter anime and manga market reports, plus lists of the 'Top 25 Anime Properties' and the 'Top 50 Manga Properties.' For the first time this issue also includes a look at the fast-growing Asian live-action cinema marketplace.
For more information on the contents of ICv2 Guide #45: Anime Manga see 'Manga Surge on the Horizon.'
For those interested in subscribing to the ICv2 Guide, please visit the ICv2 Online Store (click here). Or if you are interested in ordering a single copy of the ICv2 Guide #45: Anime/Manga, please click here. For pop culture related retailers, if your distributor is on the list above, just ask for your free copy of the Guide; or if not, e-mail Dennis Viau at our office at dviau@icv2.com to request a copy (valid pop culture realted retailers only please).