Geneon will release the first titles under its new Toei agreement (see 'Geneon Gets Toei Animation') on March 15th. All four of the discs (two volumes of each title) will retail for $29.98 each.
Air Master, based on the manga by Yokusaru Shibata, tells the story of a top streetfighter (called 'Air Master' because of her aerial techniques) from the back alleys of Tokyo. Air Master is directed by Daisuke Nishio (Dragon Ball Z); the animation director is Kenfu Denki (Berserk, Street Fighter Zero).
Slam Dunk is based on the manga by Takehiko Inoue, which was released in the States by Gutsoon. The manga was an incredibly successful title in Japan, selling over 100 million copies. It's the story of a high school student who takes up basketball to impress a girl.