Users of AnimeonDVD were the first to notice that Viz had edited the first volume of I's, just released, and soon the post-ers on their message boards were in full hue and cry. It seems that Viz used stars to cover nipples that were exposed in the Japanese version of the 13+ title, a change that many felt was unnecessary. The title, by Masakazu (Video Girl Ai) Katsura, is in Viz's new Shonen Jump Advanced line for older readers (see 'Shonen Jump Advanced Line Targets Older Teens').
We asked Viz about the changes, and a spokesperson sent us this response. 'Any (very minimal) edits done to any manga title are to fit the criteria of audiences in the U.S., and we follow and respect the wishes of the creator to the letter, as we did in this instance. There are never, at any time, any edits done without the creator's full knowledge and approval.'