Tokyopop has announced a number of new manga series for 2006 including Shonen Junai Gumi, the 31-volume prequel to GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka).  Tohru Fujisawa created one of most fascinating characters in all of manga in Ekichi Onizuka, a former outlaw biker who became Great Teacher Onizuka, the protagonist of the 25-volume manga series that Tokyopop is just finishing publishing in English (the final volume is due out in August).  Tokyopop began publishing GTO back in 2002, when the American manga market was just taking off and the series made a big impression.  Early next year when Tokyopop begins publication of Shonen Junai Gumi American audiences will have a chance to catch the antics of Onizuka in his biker days, an opportunity that fans of GTO will not want to miss.


Tokyopop has also announced Hatenko Yugi, a shoujo manga series created by Narumi Endo, which will be released in the States as Dazzle.  Thrown out of her house by her mean-spirited father, the heroine of this series meets an ex-soldier and a boy with teleportation abilities and proceeds on a number of daring adventures.