Bandai Collectible Games is offering hobby retailers a chance to participate in Bandai's first organized play program, the Zatch Bell the Card Battle League. The first ever Zatch Bell six-week league will be entitled the Spell Book Challenge and will launch in March of 2005, just after the release of the Series #3 expansion entitled The Gathering Storm. Bandai Collectible Games will offer free Zatch Bell the Card Battle League Kits to any hobby retailer who wishes to participate.
The league kits will contain enough promo materials to run a 6-week league for up to 15 players, and will provide an exclusive color spell book for all participants as well as 12 exclusive gold foil promo cards, 2 per week for 6 weeks. The kits will also include a colorful ID card for each player as well as new Trophy Cards that offer an innovative scoring system to the already unique gameplay of the Zatch Bell CCG.
The idea behind the Zatch Bell the Card Battle League Play Program is to provide a casual play environment for Zatch Bell fans who might be less likely to play in a more competitive tournament. A unique point system will offer points for winning, losing, attendance, bringing in new players, and exceptional sportsmanship. Players receive Trophy Cards as they gain more points.
The league kits are only available to hobby retail stores that register with Bandai Collectible Games, and agree to run the league and to use the league kit's contents for the purpose for which they were intended. Any retail hobby store that registers with Bandai Collectible Games receives the free league kit and will be listed on the league Webpage as a 'Gateway' to league play.