The new Transformers Animated series being co-produced by the Cartoon Network was originally supposed to air this fall directly in the wake of the live action Transformers movie, which debuts on July 3rd, but it has been delayed until early 2008. In addition to the order of 26 half-hour episodes as ICv2 reported in early May (see 'New Transformers Series') the new Transformers Animated series will also include a 90-minute feature length special.
The new series will be set in on the Earth in near future
Hasbro, which has produced a robust toy line in support of the Transformers live action movie, plans to issue toys in 2008 based on the designs used in the Transformers Animated series. Other Transformers tie-in merchandise that should benefit from the new Transformers cartoon series includes IDW's Transformers comic books and Wizards of the Coast's Transformers CSG (see 'WotC Transformers 3-D Battle Card Game').