The first of fifteen new episodes of Aaron McGruder's animated series The Boondocks will air on the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim on Monday, October 8th at 11:30 pm (ET, PT). Produced by Rebel Base in association with Sony Pictures Television The Boondocks animated series has consistently driven sales of collections McGruder's The Boondocks comic strip in the bookstores and in the direct market. The first Boondocks DVD collecting the animated series also did very well, debuting at #7 on Videoscan (see 'Boondocks DVD Debuts at #7'), which provides a good indication of how popular this controversial series really is.
The October debut of the new season of The Boondocks animated series is fortuitous because on October 30th Three Rivers Press is publishing All the Rage ($16.95), the latest, greatest and last collection of The Boondocks comic strip (McGruder stopped producing the strip in 2006). The first portion of the 280-page All the Rage consists of The Boondocks comic strips from 2003-2005, which attack a number of heavy political issues including the war in Iraq and the government's feeble response to Hurricane Katrina with McGruder's typical no-holds-barred satire. The second part of the volume reprints a number of interviews McGruder has given to various publications, while the third section, which just might be the most eye-opening sequence of them all, reprints all The Boondocks strips from 1999 onward that were banned by various newspaper editors who decided not to run them.