Media Blasters’ CEO John Sirabella has revealed the acquisition of the Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan anime series in a posting on the Anime on DVD message boards. The anime, whose title can be translated literally as “Club-to-Death Angel Dokuro-chan,” is based on a series of nine light novels written by Masahi Okayu and illustrated by Torishimo. This rather bizarre take on the Magical Girl genre features a hapless hero who meets an angel from the future who constantly gets him into trouble and frequently beats him to death with a giant spiked club only to resurrect him a few minutes later.
As John Oppliger correctly pointed out on the AnimeNation Website, the Dokuro-chan anime series, which aired on Japanese TV in 2005, does not consist of eight 13-minute episodes as has been widely reported. The Dokuro-chan anime was actually broadcast as four episodes, each with a “Part A” and a Part “B.” While the two sections of each episode do feature complete "stories," the sections were never released separately and do not have individual opening and ending credits. Sirabella did not reveal whether or not Media Blasters has also acquired the second Dokuro-chan series, which was broadcast in