Viz Media has announced that English-dubbed episodes of its top three anime series, Naruto, Bleach, and Death Note will be available for purchase and download via the iTunes Store in the U.S. The episodes available now on iTunes include Naruto (the Uncut Version) Seasons 1 & 2, all 37 episodes of Death Note, and “The Substitute” and “The Entry” story arcs from the Bleach anime series (a total of 41 Bleach episodes are currently available). The episodes of all three Viz Media series are available for the standard iTunes TV episode price of $1.99 per episode.
In ICv2’s latest Guide to Anime/Manga Naruto was rated the #2 anime property in North America, while Death Note ranked #3, and Bleach was #8. All three series are currently airing on the Cartoon Network with the edited version of Naruto getting the prime nightly pre-Adult Swim slot, while Bleach and Death Note lead the potent Saturday night Adult Swim anime lineup. The Uncut Naruto is age-rated 16+ as is Death Note, while Bleach is rated 13+.
FUNimation has also made a number of its anime offerings available via iTunes (see “FUNimation Anime on iTunes”).