ADV has been scrambling since losing the bulk of its new titles when its agreement with Sojitz broke down, but the Anime News Network is reporting that the company that has released more anime DVDs than any other has announced that it has secured the rights to Indian Summer (Koharu Biyori), a 3-episode OVA that is chock full of fan service. The otaku hero of Indian Summer buys a brand new robot maid and the erotic comedy flows on from there in this sexy, fast-paced compendium of ecchi anime clichés that is based on a manga by Takehito Mizuki (ComicsOne released the first volume in the 3-volume manga series in 2005).
ANN is also reporting that at Otakon ADV announced Switchblade Films, a new company that will specialize in live action releases. ADV indicated that the new imprint will kick off with a group of five titles including Attack Girl Swim Team vs. The Undead, Gluttonous 1 & 2, Cruel Restaurant, Female Prisoner Epsilon, and a new series of Kunoichi movies.