Tom Cruise is “loosely attached” with Sam Raimi to make a movie adaptation of Sleeper for Warner Brothers, according to Hollywood Reporter. The four-volume graphic novel series by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips collects the Wildstorm comic series from a few years back. It tells the story of an undercover government agent in a world where both the government agents and the bad guys have superpowers, although without the fancy costumes.
The movie has rights issues to be resolved due to the fact that some characters in the series are from WildC.A.T.s and Gen 13, which have movie deals elsewhere (Warners may be a bit twitchy about such things given the situation with Watchmen, see “Lawsuit Threatens Watchmen”). But Brubaker told MTV’s Splash Page that he expected the rights issues to be relatively easy to resolve by writing the problem characters out of the script.