HeroClix, the Marvel-based collectible miniatures game from WizKids streeting May 1, will ship in weekly waves to distributors and retailers. WizKids Executive Vice President Martin Stever told ICv2 that additional orders for HeroClix, which are still rolling in at a ferocious rate, have pushed the time necessary to fill orders on booster packs to nearly eight weeks (5-6 weeks for starters). WizKids plans to make weekly shipments of additional waves of HeroClix, the first of which should reach retail about a week after the initial shipment. In many ways weekly wave shipments work to a retailer's advantage in terms of cash flow, though with the opening of the Spider-Man film on May 3 and 'Free Comic Book Day' on May 4, many retailers may wish that they could receive their complete shipment of HeroClix on May 1 (for a description of the HeroClix game see 'WizKids Announces Marvel Game Details').