Now under its new ownership (see “Kunoichi Acquiring Archaia”), Archaia Comics plans to release two hardcover graphic novels per month beginning in June, and to publish individual comic issues in double-sized formats. The first graphic novels to be released under the new publishing program are The Awakening and Some New Kind of Slaughter in June.
July hardcover releases will be The Engineer (at a $9.99 price point) and the second volume of Mouse Guard.
August hardcover releases will be Primordia and
Ongoing series such as The Killer, Okko, The Secret History, and Artesia: Besieged will all pick up with individual issues.
And Robotika, Killing Pickman, and Titanium Rain will be re-launched in 48- or 64-page formats at $4.99.
Launch dates for new titles such as God Machine and Days Missing will be announced later in the year.