An ICv2 Release. ICv2 has announced the release of ICv2 Insider’s Guide #65, which was released to the trade by Alliance Game Distributors, Diamond Comic Distributors, ACD Distribution, GTS Distribution, Lion Rampant, Esdevium, and is also available directly from ICv2. According to the new ICv2 Insider's Guide, graphic novel sales were up 5% in 2008, though sales of manga fell 17%.
The issue includes ICv2’s report (complete with charts and graphs) that tracks sales of manga and graphic novels from 2001 through 2008, plus Pick Hits for all categories of graphic novels for the third quarter of 2009, along with the Q3 movies that could drive sales, and lists of the top selling graphic novels in Q1 2009 in all categories.
For more on the contents of this issue, along with links to all the bestseller lists, see “Graphic Novels Sales Up in 2008.”
For those interested in subscribing to the ICv2 Insider’s Guide, please visit the ICv2 Online Store (click here). Or if you are interested in ordering a single copy of the ICv2 Insider’s Guide #65, please click here. For retailers, if your distributor is on the list above, just ask for your free copy of the Guide; or if not, e-mail Dennis Viau at our office at dviau@icv2.com to request a complimentary copy.