Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, the sixth direct-to-DVD PG-13 animated feature co-produced by Warner Bros. Animation, DC Comics, and Warner Premiere, is due to be released on September 29th. The animated movie is based on the comic book series by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness. Sam Liu (The Batman) is directing from a script written by Stan Berkowitz (Justice League: The New Frontier).
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies will be available in a Single Disc Edition (MSRP $19.98), a Special Edition 2-Disc Version ($24.98) and a Blu-ray Edition ($29.99). The 2-Disc Special Edition will include a feature on “The Blackest Night,” a DC Comics event in which the dead shall rise, “A Test of Minds” feature in which Jeph Loeb talks in depth about the Superman/Batman relationship, plus a “Dinner With DC” special, an extended look at the next DCU animated film, a digital copy for downloading, and two episodes of Justice League Unlimited handpicked by Bruce Timm. The Blu-ray disc contains all of those extras plus two additional JLU episodes and two Justice League episodes, all hand-picked by animation legend Bruce Timm.
The voice cast for Superman/Batman: Public Enemies includes Tim Daly (Superman), Kevin Conroy (Batman), and Clancy Brown (Lex Luthor). Warner Home Video plans a national TV, Radio, Print, and Online campaign that will yield over 500 million impressions. A trailer for the Superman/Batman feature included on forthcoming Warner Bros. DVDs should yield another 10 million impressions, and WHV plans to use its ongoing promotions with Xbox Live, Amazon, iTunes, and the Sony Playstation Network to create even more buzz for the film.