The Jessamine County Public Library, where two library employees were fired for refusing to check out League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier to an 11-year-old girl (see “Library Employees Fired over LoEG”), has relocated its graphic novel collection in response to concerns, according to the Lexington Herald-Leader. The relocation moves some titles to an adult section of the library, and others to a new location separated from the young adult fiction section.
The library is continuing to allow anyone to check out whatever books they like, and to offer the same titles that were offered before the controversy erupted, according to the report.
The library director has been threatened due to his stand on the books.
Black Dossier survived a challenge before the employees were fired, and a tumultuous community meeting was held to air concerns about the library’s collection and policies (see “Library Board Hears Community on LoEG”).