As predicted by ICv2 and nearly every other sentient being in the Western World, Iron Man will be a member of the new Avengers teams that debuts in May in Avengers #1 from Brian Michael Bendis and John Romita, Jr. Marvel released the Romita, Jr.-created image of old Shellhead in his new armor accompanied by the kind of cocksure caption that befits the captain of industry that is Tony Stark: “I do not dream about the future, I create it.”
Avengers #1 kicks off Marvel new Heroic Age era. Its debut in May, the same month that will see Iron Man 2 in theaters, practically mandated that Tony Stark would be a member of the reconstituted Avengers team, and Iron Man was very much in evidence in the first Heroic Age graphic released by Marvel (see “Marvel Announces the Heroic Age”).