Two new titles for the Robotech Role-Playing Game, a new core book and a new sourcebook, are scheduled for release this summer, the 25th Anniversary of the classic anime series.
Robotech UEEF Marines Sourcebook, by Jason Marker and
Robotech New Generation, by
Palladium Books also plans nine new books for its popular Rifts series over the next few months: Dimensional Outbreak and Heroes of the Megaverse for March, Triax Two and Thundercloud Galaxy in April, Lemuria for May, Vampire Kingdoms: Expanded and Updated in June, Vampire Sourcebook in July, and Megaverse in Flames for August. Issue #49 of The Rifter magazine will release in March, followed in April by issue #50.
Superhero RPG Heroes Unlimited receives a new title in July called Armageddon Unlimited.