Crunchyroll has announced that it has acquired the right to stream The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya anime series on “multiple Crunchyroll platforms.” Crunchyroll plans on releasing the initial season of the series first on its subscription-based streaming service, and then running it on its ad-supported free streaming site. The second season of the anime will be made available later this year. Crunchyroll will also provide download-to-own sales for the anime as well as print-to-demand Haruhi Suzumiya merchandise.
Bandai Entertainment will continue to sell The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya DVDs. Bandai’s Osamu Maseba told ICv2: “We are looking at this as a promotion to increase awareness of this show and also indirectly to help the sales of the DVD. When our shows are on a major TV broadcast, we show an increase in awareness and sales.”