Marvel Comics has announced its decision to switch from Diamond Book Distributors to Hachette for distribution to bookstores. The changeover will take place with books set to ship in September.
Inside industry sources also told ICv2 that Marvel has re-upped with Diamond Comic Distributors for direct market distribution and that DC Comics has also renewed its distribution agreement with DCD.
ICv2 contacted Diamond Distributors Ku-Yu Liang, who said he was quite naturally disappointed in "losing one of our biggest clients," but he expressed some satisfaction in "having tripled Marvel's book market business" during the five years that DBD has had the account.
Diamond Book Distributors continues to represent more than 50 clients including a number of top graphic novel publishers such as Image Comics, Dark Horse, IDW, and Oni Press among others. Liang told ICv2 that there were "no plans for staff reductions at DBD" resulting from Marvel's departure.