Warner Bros. is preparing a raft of announcements that will detail (in about a month's time) how a growing number of DC properties will be exploited across a variety of media platforms. According to The Hollywood Reporter’s Heat Vision blog, Warner Bros. CEO Barry Meyer told an audience of bankers at the Bank of America, Merril Lynch Communications and Entertainment Conference that “DC was going to play a much bigger role at the studio going forward.” Meyer indicated that Warners had been dealing with DC in a “custodial way,” but it was now time for the studio to get “much more entrepreneurial.”
It is clear that Warner Bros. is hoping that the DC properties can make up for the loss of the Harry Potter movie franchise, which has brought in some $7.5 billion in worldwide box office revenue. But the Potter movies have also just about run their course with only two films left in the series, and no likelihood of any further sequels, though Meyer did joke about remaking the Potter films with Justin Bieber as the diminutive wizard.