Avalon Hill and Wizards of the Coast are celebrating the up-coming 150th anniversary of the American Civil War with a new edition of the popular war game Battle Cry. Scheduled to release in November, the new edition features all-new artwork, new graphics, and twice as many scenarios as the previous edition.
Battle Cry was originally released in 2000. Designed by Richard Borg, the game has enjoyed critical and popular success. It is a low-complexity introductory level war game, featuring a modular game board and detailed plastic models. The game is designed to be easy to learn and quick to play.
The new version, described as the “150th Civil War Anniversary Edition” includes 30 scenarios. Thirteen of the scenarios are new to this edition. 122 plastic models, mounted game board, 60 game cards, 54 terrain tiles, and 8 dice are included in the game.