Hermes Press will launch a series of collections of Dale Messick’s Brenda Starr newspaper strip in June 2011.  The first volume, Brenda Starr, Reporter by Dale Messick:  The Collected Daily and Sunday Newspaper Strips, will collect the first two color continuities of the Sunday strips; and features the Man of Mystery storyline featuring Basil St. John and five complete daily storylines. 


The digitally restored Sunday strips will be reproduced in color; dailies in black and white.  The Sunday strip first appeared in 1940, dailies began in 1945. 


Messick, the first woman to create, write, and draw a syndicated newspaper strip, passed away in 2005.  


The 288-page, 9" x 12" landscape hardcover, with printed laminated cover and dustjacket, will retail for $60.