Marvel has announced that Spider-Man will get his own 3-issue Fear Itself mini-series that will debut in May. Christopher Yost, the chief writer for the Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes animated series, is writing Fear Itself: Spider-Man, which will feature art from Mike McKone (Avengers Academy). Marvel has released the Marko Djurdjevic cover to the $2.99 first issue of the epic saga in which Spider-Man is the only superhero left standing in a New York City overrun by the forces of fear.
The Fear Itself: Spider-Man series is the latest announced tie-in to Marvel’s Fear Itself event, which includes (so far) the March shipping Fear Itself: The Book of the Skull prologue, the April launching Fear Itself: The Home Front, the Nick Spencer-penned Secret Avengers #12.1 (April) and #13 (May), and the Herc series, which launches in April.