Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins is the template for Zack Snyder’s new Superman movie, which will likely be titled Man of Steel. Snyder is rebooting the franchise by going with the premise that there have been no other Superman movies. Snyder told the L.A. Times’ Hero Complex, “If you look at Batman Begins, there’s the (comic book) canon that we know and respect, but on the other hand there’s this approach that pre-supposes that there haven’t been any other movies.”
Snyder wants to take this reboot-the-franchise, Batman Begins approach to his new Superman movie, “In every aspect of design, and of story, the whole thing is very much from the perspective of respect the canon, but don’t be a slave to the movies.”
Snyder was coy about additional casting announcements, which are likely to come soon, since Man of Steel is slated to debut in December of 2012, saying only: “There’s more to come and I think it’s consistent in its awesomeness.” Several rumors have connected Kevin Costner to the production, but there has been no confirmation. So far the only casting announcements have been Henry Cavill as Superman (see “Henry Cavill is Superman”) and Diane Lane as Martha Kent (see “Diane Lane Will Be Supes’ Mom”).