The good news is that Lucasfilm has 50 hours of third-draft scripts ready to go for a Star Wars live-action TV series, but the bad news is that Lucasfilm producer Rick McCallum told a Czech site that “the problem we have is that there is a lot of digital animation. We don’t have the technology yet to be able to do them at a price that is safe for television. Since we would be financing them, it would be suicide for us to do this.” The bottom line—McCallum says “We are going to have wait three or four years.”
So the long-awaited Star Wars live-action TV series that has been in the works since 2006 (see “Star Wars Live Action TV Series”) is going to be a long time coming. But if and when it does arrive there is reason to hope that the series, which will depict how the Empire grew slowly across the galaxy by building a power base through uniting crime bosses, could be pretty good indeed considering that Matthew Graham has admitted to Den of Geek that his is one of the writers on the project.
Graham wrote the brilliant Life on Mars time-traveling cop series (see “DVD Round-Up: Week of July 6th”) as well as its sequel Ashes to Ashes and the two-part Doctor Who saga The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People. Graham told Den of Geek that he had worked for Lucasfilm for two years “on something unbelievably cool,” and that he hopes that “One day I’ll be able to talk about it.” Hopefully one day we will all be able to see it.