Tokyopop has announced two more 'Cine-manga' arising out of its relationship with Disney Publishing -- Lizzie McGuire and Kim Possible. Cine-Manga is the name Tokyopop has given to a comic format in which animation cels are used as the art with dialogue added via word ballons. Both are based on series currently airing on the Disney Channel. Kim Possible is an animated series about a high school student who saves the world in her part time. Lizzy McGuire is a live action series about a junior high school student and her two best friends, starring Hilary Duff and Robert Carradine. Not clear from the announcement is whether Lizzy McGuire will be in fumetti format (photos from the series with word balloons), or whether storyboard art will be used. Tokyopop's other 'Cine-manga' include Cardcaptors and Akira (see 'Tokyopop Announces Akira Film Rights').