Disney’s shift of the debut of The Lone Ranger from December of 2012 to May 31st of 2013 has created a sort of domino effect that caused the studio to move the premiere of Thor 2 from July 26th, 2013 to November 15th, 2013.  It is now official, Patty Jenkins, who directed Monster, has agreed to direct Thor 2 from a script by Don Payne, who co-wrote the first Thor film (see “Patty Jenkins to Direct Thor 2”).
Disney announced today that it is giving the God of Thunder’s July debut date to the live action/animated hybrid Phineas and Ferb movie.  But as we get nearer to what looks like a fairly tentpole-heavy summer of 2013, this may not be the only change in the schedule as the studios attempt to juggle their blockbusters to best advantage.
A Thanksgiving debut might not be such a bad thing for Thor 2.  Though it has been eclipsed in recent years by heavy moviegoing during all of the summer season months, late November has traditionally been a solid, if somewhat limited in duration, moneymaking period for Hollywood.