Universal is picking up rights to War Heroes, the Image comic by Mark Millar and Tony Harris, according to Hollywood Reporter, with Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer being brought on board to write. Donnelly and Oppenheimer are beginning to rack up a pretty impressive list of geek movie scripts, including Dr. Strange (see “Marvel Still Working on Dr. Strange Movie”) and Voltron (see “Relativity Media to Produce Live Action Voltron”).
The feature has been in development since 2008, when it was set up at Sony (see “War Heroes Movie”). The rights lapsed this year, and studio exec Jeff Kirschenbaum, who knew Millar’s work from Wanted, picked them up for Universal, according to the report. Matthew Vaughn is currently deciding which Millar film he’ll direct next (see “Vaughn Choosing Millar Comics Film”).
The comic miniseries, which launched with good numbers in 2008, has yet to be completed.
The comic miniseries, which launched with good numbers in 2008, has yet to be completed.