DC Comics’ Justice League superheroes are spearheading a multi-million dollar campaign that will stretch across all Warner Bros. Entertainment’s and Time Warner businesses over the next two years to benefit three aid organizations, Save the Children, Mercy Corps, and the International Rescue Committee in an effort to combat famine in the strife-torn Horn of Africa. Time Warner is guaranteeing that the three organizations will share at least $2 million in aid over the next two years comprised of cash donations, employee matching funds, and consumer matching funds.
DC’s The Source notes a key part of the effort is the launch of the WeCanBeHeroes.org Website where DC will match 100% of all donations made (up to $1 million). In addition to a call for donations that will be matched, the Website will feature branded merchandise that can be purchased with half of the purchase price going to the charities.
There is no doubt that the situation in the Horn of Africa is indeed dire. In addition to year’s of drought, political paralysis in Somalia brought on by years of factional fighting has made delivering aid a difficult and dangerous process for those NGOs daring enough to attempt to reduce the suffering in country where 250,000 are facing actual starvation and 13 million are in need of critical assistance.
The Justice League members will play a key role in the ads for the “We Can Be Heroes” campaign, which will be display across the Time Warner advertising platforms. The Justice League team was chosen both for the group’s commitment to social justice and the collective nature of their struggles for justice. Alone, we are nearly powerless against an event as large as the famine in the Horn of Africa, but together we can make a difference.