Graphicly has announced an automated digital self-publishing service intended for creators and publishers of visual stories of all kinds including graphic novels, children’s books, art books, picture books, and even cookbooks. The service will allow creators to choose from a number of digital sales channels and publish to some or all of them, including iOS Newsstand; eBook stores (as either eBooks or enhanced eBooks) including Kindle, Kobo, and Apple’s iBook; Android devices such as Nook, Nook Color, and Kindle Fire; and the Web via HTML5 and Facebook.
A number of pricing options will be offered, ranging from a basic free offering (Web and Facebook) to a flat rate per conversion. The revenue streams from the various distribution platforms will be owned by the creators, who will also be responsible for marketing their content.
Creators will also be offered info on how customers are engaging their content, including data such as how many pages customers are reading at one sitting, how long it takes customers to read the content, and which digital platform the customers prefer.
This new service is a pivot for Graphicly, which until now has focused exclusively on selling comic content through its apps and Web store. The self-publishing service, on the other hand, provides services for publishers and creators, and derives its revenue from that side of the equation rather than the consumer side.
The self-publishing servcie is being rolled out to current publisher clients of Graphicly first, with a broader roll-out planned for the coming weeks.
The self-publishing servcie is being rolled out to current publisher clients of Graphicly first, with a broader roll-out planned for the coming weeks.