According to Neal McDonough, who played Dum Dum Dugan, the “sidekick with the soup strainer” in Captain America: The First Avenger, production on the second Captain America movie will begin before the end of the year, just as soon as principal photography on Thor 2, which he says is starting this summer, wraps.
“Marvel does one film at a time,” McDonough told Empire Online, “so they’re gonna do Thor 2 and as soon as Thor 2 wraps, they will do Cap 2.” McDonough’s timeline would confirm an earlier comment by Tim Hiddleston (Loki), who told Empire Online a week ago that Thor 2 would start shooting in London this summer with Alan Taylor (Game of Thrones) directing.
ICv2 didn’t report Hiddleston’s remark because until now there was no confirmation, and even McDonaugh’s comments certainly don’t guarantee that the projects follow the timeline he and Hiddleston expect, especially since Thor 2 doesn’t have a finished script yet (see “Marvel Orders Rewrite on ‘Thor 2’”). But unlike hundreds of other potential comic book movies that have been optioned by Hollywood and mentioned in these pages, there is every reason to believe that Thor 2 and Cap 2 will be made, and for Thor 2 there is undoubtedly a lot of pressure to get things moving in time to meet the film's November 15th, 2013 debut date (which was already moved back from the originally announced premier date of July 26th, 2013).
McDonough also told Empire that the next major Marvel Studios film after Cap 2 was a S.H.I.E.L.D. saga tentatively titled Nick Fury. Since Dum Dum is Nick Fury’s right hand man, McDonough is extremely excited about a Nick Fury movie that he hopes will be set in the 1970s, “I just pray that they have a 1970s setting, because I want to see Sam Jackson with lambchops kicking people’s asses for the Marvel Universe.”