Sony has released two new poster designs for Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man, which debuts nationwide on July 3rd.  The first design features a close-up view of Spidey’s high-tech costume complete with horizontal claw marks, while the second poster presents a vertiginous view with the Wallcrawler doing his thing clinging to a window high above the city streets.  With all the attention being paid to Joss Whedon’s The Avengers and Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises, the two comic book-based films that analysts are predicting will fight it out for the #1 movie of the year, it is easy to forget about the potential of Marc Webb’s reboot of what remains the most successful superhero-based movie franchise of them all.
The release of the new posters comes just days after the publication of another dynamic poster design as well as a new Japanese trailer (in English with Japanese subtitles) that includes lots of previously unreleased footage (see "Kinetic New 'Amazing Spider-Man'Int'l Trailer").