The Right Stuf has announced an agreement with M. Alice LeGrow and Tokyopop that will make the latest volume of LeGrow’s Bizenghast available in book form for the first time in July. Tokyopop has published the first seven volumes of the series, which was one of the most successful OEL titles that the publisher developed. The gothic style dark fantasy Bizenghast has also spawned an art book, coloring book, novelization, animated shorts, merchandise, and a tabletop role-playing game.
Customers who pre-order the Bizenghast Vol. 8 will receive a special art postcard as well as an introductory price of $10.99. The standard retail price of Bizenghast Vol. 8 will be $15.99 going forward. The price reflects the higher costs of the print-to-order nature of Right Stuf’s program to publish both Bizenghast Vol. 8 and the previously announced Hetalia: Axis Powers Vol. 3 (see "Right Stuf to publish 'Hetalia: Axis Powers'").
Little by little it appears that the series left unfinished by the demise of Tokyopop will eventually be available in some form or another. Fans have been waiting for a year and a half for Bizenghast Vol. 8, which completes the first story arc of the saga.