One of the biggest graphic novel hits of 2012 so far is Dark Horse’s Avatar: The Last Airbender—The Promise. The first volume in the trilogy of graphic novels came out in January and immediately hit the graphic novel "Top 10" on BookScan. The second volume that debuted at the end of May has performed at least as well. The third volume in The Promise series is due in September, but it won’t be the last book in Dark Horse’s Avatar: The Last Airbender series that tackles events between the end of the first Last Airbender cartoon series and the new Legend of Korra sequel that is setting viewing records on Nickelodeon (see "Geek Shows Rule").
This past weekend at The American Library Association meeting Gene Luen Yang, creator of the bestselling American Born Chinese graphic novel, who also wrote The Promise for Dark Horse (based on concepts and characters created by Avatar cartoon creators Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko), announced that he will write a second series of Avatar: The Last Airbender graphic novels for Dark Horse.
The new graphic novel series, which is slated to debut in 2012 will be entitled The Search. It will focus on what happened to Prince Zuko’s mother, which is one of the most intriguing unanswered questions in the entire Last Airbender saga.