Comic-Con News: At the "Image Comics Experience" panel, the leading American independent comic book publisher announced a plethora of projects the coming year with a major group of creators including Joe Casey, Matt Fraction, Howard Chaykin, Darick Robertson, Kelly Su Deconnick, James Robinson, Chris Roberson, and Greg Rucka.
Joe Casey unveiled the most provocative title, which is simply called Sex, which the author claims "is not what you’re expecting." Of course Image was not above getting the most out the titillating title with a promo poster proclaiming that "Image Comics Wants You to Buy Sex." Peter Kowalski will illustrate Sex, while David Messina will draw another Casey-written project, Bounce.
One of the most interesting Image projects announced at Comic-Con is Satellite Sam, the story of the host of a kids’ TV series who is found dead in a compromising position. With Matt Fraction and Howard Chaykin collaborating on Satellite Sam, the question of who killed the ill-fated Krusty clone is certain to prove very interesting indeed.
Another Image project that stands out from the run-of-the-mill San Diego announcements is Kelly Sue Deconnick’s Pretty Deadly, a Leone-like western saga about a deadly female assassin that Deconnick is creating with help from Emma Rios.
James Robinson introduced his new series Saviors, which will be drawn by J.Bone, who wants to break out of the funny comics ghetto with this horror saga about a stoner who discovers an alien invasion, but who can’t find anyone who will believe his story about the aliens, who are able to assume all sorts of disguises, which make proving their existence very difficult.
Artist Darick Robertson is working on a new comic, Oliver with writer Gary Whitta. Robertson has been pushing the project since 2004, but until now he has never been able to find a publisher willing to take a chance and publish it.
Chris Roberson, who has enjoyed a much higher profile since he quit DC Comics over the company’s decision to create the Before Watchmen comics over the objections of Watchmen creator Alan Moore (see "Roberson Speaks Out"), will write a new fantasy comic book series Rain with Paul Mayberry providing the art.
Action, mystery, and espionage specialist Greg Rucka will write Lazarus with Michael creating the art. Lazarus, which Rucka described as "Godfather meets Children of Men," will debut in the spring of 2013.