Marvel Comics has announced a major event initiative for the launching of the first Marvel NOW! title, Uncanny Avengers #1 on Wednesday, October 10th.  Each comic shop retailer who opts in (via their Diamond Comic Distributors rep) to hold an Uncanny Avengers Launch Party, will receive a free Uncanny Avengers Party Kit full of exclusive items to give away to fans attending the Uncanny Avengers launch event.
The kits, which are free to all retailers who request them, contain Uncanny Avengers postcards, mini posters, promo items, lithographs, pins, party tickets, in-store signage, shelf-talkers, plus a customizable flyer and a customizable press release.
In addition the store will receive an Uncanny Avengers #1 Personalized Variant and will be able to order an Uncanny Avengers #1 Deadpool Call Me Maybe Variant cover by red-hot artist Max Brooks.